Open Source Rant

%98 of my time I spend as an Oracle DBA. I am not limited just to Oracle though. I have used mySQL and SQL server extensively. Something that always drives me crazy about mySQL is the documentation. It is horrible. The fact that it is done as an open forum where people post and try and provide information is a big red flag to me. Just trying to figure out how a simple command works is incredibly frustrating. It assumes you know what you are doing. I do know what I am doing, but can still get tripped up when they don’t provide command flow diagrams. I can’t imagine how frustrating trying to use mysql must be for a more average user.

Windows 10 – When You Can’t Be Trusted

Unfortunately some things require windows. Old interfaces that ensure you are running IE6, old proprietary administration software, and other things I don’t use on a daily basis. Windows 10 is one of the most frustrating versions of windows I have ever run. It pretty much assumes you are too stupid to have any idea what you are doing. I just spend an hour fighting with it to let me download a file that builds boot disks. It decided it wasn’t safe. I don’t know what that means since I have been using this product for years! In fact Edge assumes you are so stupid, I can’t get on most websites because it doesn’t assume they are safe! It also doesn’t think it is safe for me to install chrome! How anyone could use the pile of crap for day to day work baffles me. I am glad my work laptop is still Windows 7, where I can get a virus if I am stupid, but doesn’t try to baby proof everything!