Category Archive: OEM 13c

Oct 17

Reporting Database Sizes

I frequently need to pull size information about a large number of databases. OEM has an interesting capacity planning feature, but some times I just want the raw data. This is the base query I start with and add on additional information or slice it in different ways to fit what I need. I run …

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Nov 30

13C OMS and TLSv1.2

A while ago I deployed OEM 13c to manage and monitor our databases. We have a lot of different systems on different architectures and operating systems. For the most part the move from OEM12c to OEM 13c was pretty smooth. As part of this process we were instructed to lock everything down to TLSv1.2, which …

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Feb 20

Targets.xml was rejected: loaded with a wrong agent token

I noticed an agent on one of my database servers was down this morning. Agents crash from time to time, no big deal. I will just restart it $ ./emctl start agent Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 2 Copyright (c) 1996, 2012 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Starting agent ………… failed. Target Manager …

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